台灣正式進入多螢世代(The Multi-Screen World),有高達 90% 的日常娛樂與傳播 行為都建構在四螢之上(包括電視、電腦、平板及智慧型手機),且每天平均花費 4.4 小時在這些螢幕之間。
在這四種螢幕間的跨螢幕活動中,消費者最常見的活動是瀏覽網路(81%),社群關係建立與聯繫(72%),和網路購物/搜尋資訊(67%)。 目前四螢之冠為智慧型手機,有38%日常及傳播行為發生在智慧型手機上。There is formal entry into the Multi-Screen World in Taiwan. 90% of all media interactions are screen based, and on average we spend 4.4 hours of our leisure time in front of screens each day.
Cross-screen activities in four screen, the most common activities of consumers browse the Internet (81%), community relations and ties (72%), and online shopping / searching for information (67%). Currently the top of four screen is smartphone, 38% of the ordinary and propagation behavior on it.2012年首季台灣手機市場總銷量221萬支,其中智慧型手機市占超過7成,達165萬支。因此手機版網站設計 必須調整專為觸控裝置設計介面,將最簡潔、重要的資訊置入,讓瀏覽者在觀看手機版網站時,有更舒適閱讀感受及提升使用上的流暢度。
"Worldwide Mobile Phone" statistical reports data show that Taiwan's mobile Phone arket in the first quarter of 2012, total sales of 2.21 million, which smartphone market share by more than 7% to 1,650,000. Therefore, thedesign of the mobile phone version of the site shall be adjusted on the touch interface device designed specifically for the most concise, important information placement, enabling visitors to viewing the mobile version of the site, the more comfortable reading and enhance fluency.採用CSS3/HTML5行動網頁設計最新標準製作,並與現有網頁技術進行整合,打造出專業級的手機版網站,讓您的行網站免去不同作業系統、無法瀏覽或運作的相容性問題。
Using CSS3/HTML5 mobile web design standard production, and integration with existing web technologies to create a professional-grade mobile site that you have the mobile version of the site to solve compatibility between different mobile devices to operating systems, having browser issues.